Press Statement By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur On 18.10.2011.
UMNO Should Act Against Those Trying To Wreck The Life Of My Young Son With Cruel And Barbaric Lies Just To Finish Me Off Politically To Prove That UMNO Is Not A 3D Party That Employs Desperate Dangerous And Dirty Tactics.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had declared during the Gerakan National Delegates Conference two days ago that BN had not given up on Penang and will go all out to recapture the state from Pakatan Rakyat. Following those Najib’s declaration of intent, we see pro-UMNO blogs and some UMNO leaders carrying out a serial campaign in the internet to systematically not only character assasinate me but also cruelly dragging in my young 16 year old son with their lies.
My wife and I are furious that pro-UMNO blogs and some UMNO leaders have made or perpetuated false allegations against my young son of criminal wrongdoing. My family and I deplore these lies and fabrications against my young son as morally despicable and barbaric. UMNO should act against those trying to wreck the life of my young son with cruel and barbaric lies just to finish me off politically to prove that UMNO is not a 3D party that employs desperate, dangerous and dirty tactics just to cling on and retain power at any cost.
My son had transferred to St Xavier Institution in Penang from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Cina Heng Yee because I had promised him that he could transfer to the school of his choice if he scored at least 6As in his PMR. When he achieved that, he was transferred at the beginning of the school term this year in January 2011. My son wanted to go to St Xavier because he did not want to have his hair crew-cut as is required for Heng Yee students but wanted to keep his hair longer.
In this modern world, it is difficult for a young kid growing up, especially so when his father is a Chief Minister targeted daily by the pro-BN media. For a young kid growing up, to be maligned in such a beastly and cruel fashion publicly is unacceptable and inhumane.
My son is very shaken up by these lies. He has also not gone back to school for two days. I feel sad and that I am not able to protect my young son from these pro-UMNO ferocious beasts.
I urge these ferocious pro-UMNO beasts not to prey on the innocence of my young children. If you want to finish me off, do your worst to me but leave my innocent children alone. UMNO politicians have children too and DAP have never gone for their children and do not intend to so.
Amongst some UMNO leaders who highligted this shameful episode in the blogs is Bukit Gelugor(Penang) UMNO Division vice-chairman Dr Novandri Hasan Basri.He was then followed by many UMNO leaders rehashing the lies.Sadly even UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaludin joined in these shameful lies by poking fun at my son with this tweet:-
@Khairykj Khairy Jamaluddin
@PapaGomo Mungkin dia roboh Kampung Buah Pala sebab nak ganti dengan Kampung Buah Dada.
I hope those poking fun and spreading lies at my young son can look at themselves in the mirror as a father and ask whether they want their own child to suffer the trauma of such lies. My family and I reserve the right to take any further action to protect my family. In the meantime, my wife and I will try to heal my young son and pray that he will recover from having his innocence so cruelly destroyed by these pro-UMNO beasts.
UMNO Should Act Against Those Trying To Wreck The Life Of My Young Son With Cruel And Barbaric Lies Just To Finish Me Off Politically To Prove That UMNO Is Not A 3D Party That Employs Desperate Dangerous And Dirty Tactics.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had declared during the Gerakan National Delegates Conference two days ago that BN had not given up on Penang and will go all out to recapture the state from Pakatan Rakyat. Following those Najib’s declaration of intent, we see pro-UMNO blogs and some UMNO leaders carrying out a serial campaign in the internet to systematically not only character assasinate me but also cruelly dragging in my young 16 year old son with their lies.
My wife and I are furious that pro-UMNO blogs and some UMNO leaders have made or perpetuated false allegations against my young son of criminal wrongdoing. My family and I deplore these lies and fabrications against my young son as morally despicable and barbaric. UMNO should act against those trying to wreck the life of my young son with cruel and barbaric lies just to finish me off politically to prove that UMNO is not a 3D party that employs desperate, dangerous and dirty tactics just to cling on and retain power at any cost.
My son had transferred to St Xavier Institution in Penang from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Cina Heng Yee because I had promised him that he could transfer to the school of his choice if he scored at least 6As in his PMR. When he achieved that, he was transferred at the beginning of the school term this year in January 2011. My son wanted to go to St Xavier because he did not want to have his hair crew-cut as is required for Heng Yee students but wanted to keep his hair longer.
In this modern world, it is difficult for a young kid growing up, especially so when his father is a Chief Minister targeted daily by the pro-BN media. For a young kid growing up, to be maligned in such a beastly and cruel fashion publicly is unacceptable and inhumane.
My son is very shaken up by these lies. He has also not gone back to school for two days. I feel sad and that I am not able to protect my young son from these pro-UMNO ferocious beasts.
I urge these ferocious pro-UMNO beasts not to prey on the innocence of my young children. If you want to finish me off, do your worst to me but leave my innocent children alone. UMNO politicians have children too and DAP have never gone for their children and do not intend to so.
Amongst some UMNO leaders who highligted this shameful episode in the blogs is Bukit Gelugor(Penang) UMNO Division vice-chairman Dr Novandri Hasan Basri.He was then followed by many UMNO leaders rehashing the lies.Sadly even UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaludin joined in these shameful lies by poking fun at my son with this tweet:-
@Khairykj Khairy Jamaluddin
@PapaGomo Mungkin dia roboh Kampung Buah Pala sebab nak ganti dengan Kampung Buah Dada.
I hope those poking fun and spreading lies at my young son can look at themselves in the mirror as a father and ask whether they want their own child to suffer the trauma of such lies. My family and I reserve the right to take any further action to protect my family. In the meantime, my wife and I will try to heal my young son and pray that he will recover from having his innocence so cruelly destroyed by these pro-UMNO beasts.
ada betul ka lu cakap?
betul atau tak betul kita tunggu la polis dgn sprm siasat dulu ;)
sebelah rm100'000 tuuuuuuuuuuuuu huhu
tetek wa tak nak raba? kahkahkah
Rupa2 nya Papa Dajal ni ciluk gambar kat SINI kah kah kah http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=3980
umno jgk yg salah, bila kena btg hidung sendiri sibuk cari simpati dan salahkan org lain, gentle la sikit mcm peminpin2 barat, salah tanggungjawab la..
Lu langsi gua opegang tetek lagi maaaaaa............!
mmg x patut la nak publish gambar pmpuan sbnr yg kena cabul tu plak.kena fikir keselamatan tuan punya badan.blogger bukannya bodoh nak buat mcm tu.
Kepada Anonymous - October 19, 2011 3:00 AM
Memang si blogger ni bodoh! Kalau tak kutuk orang pun, jangan lah libatkan keluarga! Tak de modal ke? Apa sal bodoh sangat ni? Biar lah polis siasat. Yang ni asyik nak kenakan anak orang ni apa hal? Gian nak raba buah dada amoi tu jugak kot!
Like father..like son...like food.
You are what you eat, piggies!
Sabarlah..Puki Wan Azizah bakal mengeluarkan elektrik tidak lama lagi.
Bulu2 pepet nyer ada caj pancaran elektron gara2 bukti yg akan dikeluarkan nanti yg Anuar main Miss Sawasdikarapp di Bangkok. CCTC ada buktinyer. Terhegeh-hegeh lah Nurul Izzah nanti nak backing kau nanti. Kasihan anak itu ya. Trauma nanti!
Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan akan dimandikan cahaya. Wow, hebatnyer.Akibat panas, bulu jub0q Wan Azizah akan terpancar caj negatif & positif. Video seks Anwar bukti dia masuk hotel naik pacuan 4- roda bakal mengalirkan elektron2 ke negeri2 utara. Bahanglah lagi negeri2 jelapang padi!!! Kau pun akan sibuk telepon Clinton minta bantuan. America dah jadi 3rd world country gara-gara Obama ngutang sama bank dunia & China US$ 14 trilliun. Kau lebih baik minta tolong ngan Zimbabwe jer. Sama gak kan?!
Akan berpeluh lagi lah ketiak engkau Wan Azizah nak menjawab pertanyaan media & press tentang suaminyer yg menikam belakang si isteri..gara-gara air gatal nyer membengkak dalam buah zakar nyer yg tua lagi berkedut itew! Mengelegak macam air mendidih.
Sayangner penduduk2 Kedah, Pelis dan Kelantan diseru membeli tisu sendiri sebab walaupun aircond, air dan elektrik ada diwaktu musim Pilihanraya sebabnyer, video Anwar seks pt 2..sehangat movie Harry Potter. Cuma pelakon nyer buncit sket dan tulang belakang nyer bongkok.
Alahai, eng'cow' aja Wan Azizah yg tak ade dalam video itu. Sayang..sebab kau kan setia dibelakang suami. Suami kau setia kerrr??? Sebab kau sibok berkempen untuk suami kau kononnya 'anugerah tuhan'. Yeah right..kata siapa? Mr Lim kah or Jesus Christ?
Akibat terlalu percayakan sang suami, puki sendiri tak terbelai tak dicucuk di malam Jumaat gara-gara sibuk kau berkempen nak masuk dalam roket DAP untuk menghantar kau ke syurga. Serban Nik Ajis dan celah kangkang Mat Sabu dilolosi kau demi HUDUD. HUDUD aper kalau asyik dok kafirkan orang Islam jer kan? Kitab aper tu? Injil??? Disko rimba banyak di Kelantan, pergi check kot kot laki kau terlekat sebagai 'member' dalam tu.
Oh Wan Bodohzah binti Keldai mix with sapi mandul, kenapalah engkou sengal sangat? DAP pun dah tak nak HUDUD. PegUndi2 bukan Islam tahu yg kau nak jadi 1st Lady yg paling hudoh. Muka ala Myanmar kerja waiter kat motel China Town. Sesuailah kau diperduakan dengan Ah Moi. Boleh tahan jugak lidahnyer. Suam suam kuku lidahnyer tengok batang kontol suami kau tu. Aku dengar gossip la! Lembut gitu. Awwwwww...!
Celik lah...wahai pompuan tolol. Kau sibuk duduk atas pentas ceramah, si suami sibuk duduk menghambakan jarum tumpulnyer dihujung perut si Ah Moi kat motel. Ayo!
Beli sleeping pill banyak2 ..kau kan doktor. Bisa tidur malam kah engkau nanti ???!!!!
ader aku kisah anak DAP jadi peramas nenen????
sungguh tak terkejut..kalau si tok wan, ayah perangai macam sial ...anak pun sama.
Ayo...ini budak mannnyaaakkkk susah lo!
Apa mau ramas sana sini...Ayo! Fening kelapa.
Ini sudah jadi itu kes sexual harassment...
Sudah koyak ..picah lobang!!!!
Macam babi..perangai manyak susah.
Nenen & Guang Eng 3 R:-
Raba....Ramas... & Rasuah !!!!
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