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Saturday, March 30, 2013


There is nothing more embarrassing than seeing a political party having to use its enemy's influence to bring their enemy down.But,this is what PR is doing,using the influence of former Premier,Tun Mahathir, to bring down Prime Minister,Datuk Seri Najib.It is clear that PR is aware that their party is beginning to lose its influence and that all of their leaders do not have enough 'aura' to influence rakyat.They definitely thought of this tactic after seeing how wise all of Tun Mahathir's opinions on Tun Abdullah's leadership once back,has managed to influence rakyat about their dissatisfaction over Tun Abdullah's leadership.From there,Tun Abdullah had to hand over his power to Datuk Seri Najib, which is feared by the opposition. The opposition's fear over Datuk Seri Najib was so obvious that they had to create a lot of accusations against him to ensure that he would not be the replacement for Tun Abdullah.Sadly for opposition,their attacks over Datuk Seri Najib only convinced rakyat that he is the best candidate.Record even showed that Tun Mahathir has always been supporting Datuk Seri Najib during the leadership crisis which happened in the government back then,It was recorded a few times that Tun Mahathir stated that his first choice was Datuk Seri Najib ,but he somehow made the wrong decision for giving the chance to Tun Abdullah due to the 'seniority' culture and that he believed that Datuk Seri Najib can wait because he was still young then. 

However,the opposition ignored all of those statements and they choose to 'hold onto' Tun Mahathir's recent statement when asked whether Datuk Seri Najib needs to resign if BN lose or fall in the coming GE13.For your information,the same matter was asked once by Malaysian Insider a few months ago and today it was brought back and spread by PR social network.As usual,Tun Mahathir answered the question without going around the bushes, that is how it should be anyways.Considering that we are aware of Tun Mahathir's consistency in standing by his statements,obviously knew the answer which Tun Mahathir would give.The proof,he made such statement to Tunku Abdul Rahman as well as Tun Abdullah Badawi when their leadership and support became weaker and the ruling party received bad results in elections. So, for the opposition to use Tun Mahathir's 'standart' response as their political interest to bring down Datuk Seri Najib just sad.

It seem like they are really running out of issue to play with.The weird thing is,this matter is used when rakyat themselves could see how Tun Mahathir roam around the country complimenting Datuk Seri Najib leadership and urge rakyat to give full support towards the Prime Minister.He also quoted a few key economics which show great growth under the leadership of Datuk Seri Najib and he always support any actions taken by the government.Based on what is happening,what PR is trying to convey,saying that Tun Mahathir is not convinced with Datuk Seri Najib does not make any sense at all. Especially when PR claim that Tun Mahathir 'prefers' Tan Sri Muhyiddin to lead the country. The strategy to clash BN leaders will not work because it is just not true.UMNO and BN leaders are not like leaders of PKR or DAP,or PAS where they would often fight against one another thanks to their own party members. UMNO/BN no longer have such issue because leaders with such issue have all gone to the opposition.Logically,any of Tun Mahathir's thoughts and opinion,on who he 'favors' should not be part of PR issue.Why would PR depend on the influence of their enemy in order to gain rakyat's support ??? Lastly,Tun Mahathir's statement saying,"there are no other candidate which can lead Malaysia,other than Datuk Seri Najib,” should be taken as the fullstop to the opposition's desperate attempt.



Unknown said...

Baru-baru ini Papa Gomo ada menyiarkan 13 insiden akan berlaku menjelang PRU-13 termasuk perkara no. 12 iaitu UMNO dan BN akan diharamkan.
Saya sendiri ada mendengar perkara yang sama di kalangan pemimpin UMNO dan BN sendiri.
Nampaknya Papa Gomo memang menjadi Papa kepada pucuk pimpinan UMNO dan BN.
Ini disiarkan oleh Papa Gomo apabila pemimpin UMNO enggan melindungi beliau lagi.
Kisahnya ialah berpunca daripada hasrat PKR atau PR untuk menyaman BN, UMNO dan Utusan kerana mencetak, menerbit dan mengedar akhbar haram Warta Parlimen Permatang Pauh (saya harap Sdr minta segera dari rakan-rakan kita di Permatang Pauh untuk rujukan) pada pilihanraya kecil Ogos 2008.
Antara kandungan fitnah mengenai DSAI dalam buletin itu ialah artikel bertajuk SAH ANWAR KAKI LIWAT.
Jadi ada dua kesalahan jenayah dalam soal ini, pertama percetakan dan penerbitan haram; kedua fitnah.
Menurut pemimpin UMNO itu, PR mempunyai dalam simpanan banyak dokumen rasmi mengenai penerbitan haram itu termasuk memo antara UMNO dengan Utusan, inbois2, log-log percetakan di loji Utusan di Prai dan sebagainya.
Pemimpin UMNO itu memberitahu, semua dokumen berkenaan sekarang berada dalam simpanan pegawai kanan DSAI.
Peluang ini setidak-tidaknya boleh menyebabkan pendaftaran BN, UMNO dan aktiviti perniagaan Utusan digantung sementara siasatan selesai. Selain akta percetakan dan penerbitan, undang-undang ROS dan ROC tidak membenarkan apa-apa pembabitan dalam aktiviti secara haram atau tanpa memiliki lesen.
Bagaimanapun, pemimpin UMNO itu berkata PM sudah mengarahkan KDN, ROS dan SC (BSKL) supaya jangan memulakan sebarang tindakan.
Boleh ke macam ni?

Anonymous said...

Tidak ada yang mustahil tentang PKR... apa pun boleh cerita.. waima memfitnah A;llah sekalipun .. so apa yang nak diherankan sangat ... kalau nak dikatakan rahsia.. DAP lagi banyak rahsia Nuar..
Buat masa ini lebih baik sdr jawab dulu.. Ya atau Tidak video Nuar yang tersebar itu pelakunya Nuar...

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