Akhirnya pihak Kristian mengakui bahawa Kalimah Allah memang merupakan alat yang cukup ampuh untuk misi murtadkan umat Islam.PAS yang kononnya memperjuangkan Islam telah mengistiharkan menyokong penggunaan Kalimah Allah yang sebenarnya bertujuan menghancurkan Islam.Oleh itu mereka yang mendabik dada angkuh menyokong PAS kononnya Islam sangat perlu muhasabah diri dan berfikir dengan mendalam samada PAS ini “relevan” dengan Islam ataupun sebaliknya.Laporan cover story majalah Christianity Today dalam keluaran Februari 2011 yang bertajuk Muslims and the “Son of God” telah membongkar rahsia sebenar niat jahat pihak Kristian untuk “use religious vocabulary familiar to Muslims” untuk tujuan penyebaran agama Kristian.Missiologist Kristian berkata
“Missionaries can live in a Muslim culture for decades, blaming Muslims for being “resistant” to the gospel,when the problem actually lies with linguistic and cultural stumbling blocks”.
Oleh itu Kalimah Allah yang sinonim dengan umat Islam mahu dipergunakan untuk memudahkan misi murtadkan Islam.Mereka mahu penggunaan Kalimah Allah ini untuk membuka minda umat Islam untuk menerima dan membaca Bible.Mereka mensasarkan untuk murtadkan umat Islam terutama bagi mereka yang masih lemah akidah dan pengamalan agama.Sebuah organisasi Kristian,The People of the Book yang termuat dalam risalah strategi mereka mengakui bahawa kalimah ‘Allah’ di dalam al-Quran tidak memiliki maksud yang sama dengan ‘God’ di dalam Bible,namun organisasi ini berpendapat penggunaannya amat berkesan untuk memurtadkan umat Islam.John Hultvall,seorang mubaligh Mission Covenant Church of Sweden juga berpendapat bahawa walaupun penggunaan kalimah ‘Allah’ dipersoalkan dalam kalangan penganut-penganut Kristian sendiri, mubaligh-mubaligh Kristian sentiasa menggunakannya dalam usaha mereka memurtadkan umat Islam.Kevin Greeson, yang juga seorang mubaligh Kristian juga telah menulis sebuah buku bertajuk The Camel : How Muslims Are Coming to Faith in Christ!.
Kaedah ‘The Camel’ dalam penyebaran agama Kristian kepada orang Islam menggunakan kalimah ‘Allah’ bagi merujuk kepada Tuhan agama Kristian. Muslihat terselindung yang mampu memberi manfaat kepada Kristian dengan mengunakan kalimah ‘Allah’ sebagai ‘jambatan’ untuk mendekati serta memurtadkan umat Islam di seluruh dunia.Oleh itu tindakan Pengarang The Herald,Paderi Lawrence Andrew yang jelas tidak menghormati keputusan mahkamah terhadap penggunaan kalimah Allah di dalam kitab Bible berbahasa Melayu sekaligus menderhaka terhadap titah perintah Sultan Selangor amat biadap dan tidak boleh diterima.Beliau terlalu berani kerana bertindak atas tujuan yang cukup jelas untuk memurtadkan umat Islam.
Kami rakyat Malaysia yang agama rasminya Islam amat terpukul dengan keangkuhan dan kebiadapan mereka.Kita menggesa pihak berkuasa mengenakan tindakan maksima terhadap petualang agama ini.
Malaysia yang terdiri daripada masyarakat berbilang kaum dan agama selama ini berada dalam keadaan aman, tidak seperti negara-negara lain yang berperang dan berbunuhan. Sikap DAP yang berkeras mahu menggunakan Kalimah Allah untuk Kristian menunjukkan betapa mereka tidak peduli kepada sensitiviti umat islam. Jelas mereka cuba menyakiti hati rakyat.Mereka langsung tidak mempedulikan dan menghormati keputusan mahkamah.
Umat Islam dan Bangsa Melayu perlu bersatu demi menjaga kepentingan dan kesinambungan kita.Tidak mungkin kita boleh bergantung kepada pihak yang dari dulu kini dan selama-lamanya sentiasa bercita-cita menghancurkan kita dari luar dan dalam. - MYKMU
Memang paderi berniat jahat! Christianity agama yang tidak laku lagi di Barat! Paderi tak mampu goreng orang Barat jadi mereka bersungguh-sungguhlah cuba cari pengaruh dengan menipu halus orang Melayu! Jahat sungguh hati mereka! Saya pasti "Jesus" tak suruh buat kerja macam ni!
You don't need to have a university degree to know the real reason the Christians here insist using "ALLAH" as God in their bible. It's too clear. ONLY TRUE MUSLIMs will see the serious need to protect the future muslim generation from being "trick" into MURTAD!!!
Whatever it is the Government should stop saying kalimah Allah is exclusive to Muslim only because there are no real strength in it. The real strength always come with undisputable true facts in it. I have reason to believe every Christian that I have known feel comfortable to accept the Son Of God concept. This Christian understanding about GOD is a direct blaspheme when applied to Allah. This term is called SYIRIK means the unforgiven sin if we commit. We have and can compromised a numbers to things with you people but not this one. Sorry !
Things would not be has been such a mess if the Christian Catholic Church can consistently be worshiping their usual The Father The Son The Holy Ghost kind of name. What happen to that name now? What have made the Malaysian Catholic priest to change or to edit your holy scriptures? Did any God angel came down to advised them to change it ? You should asked your Catholic priest what had happened to that name? Has it already expiring or have expired and no longer suitable to be used? And asked them WHY? Don't you people think you people should deserved an answer? Because only an unimportant people don't deserved any answer or is it? Didn't the church regards their followers as sheeps? Did you people think sheep can afford to reason out sensibly about this important issues? Personally I didn't know any sheeps that can think. Please don't be such a sheep becoz if they (the Church priest) cannot provide a logical answer what do that litteraly means?
And we the Malaysian Muslim wants to know further. So is the Christian "religion" is undergoing refurbishment or being evolutionized or rather being modified? Wow can't you see that only imperfect "thing" need to be modified from time to time. Is the Christian religion is like microsoft Windows 98 products that needed to be upgraded to Window 7 and had to be updated from time to time? That was why I asked, are you people doing experiment or fabricating new religion? I mean can you called that a true or experimenting religion?
You see a typical Muslim like us have got barage of question for you people to ponder. Don't you feel it strange if you all can afford to accept this kind of madness blindly? Unless if you think a true faith is not important then it will be just a matter of time where every soul will leaves this world to die and will soon realized the accountability that he or she need to be accounted for.
If you people should treat this questionaire as a joke then that will make your life to be meaningless. The purpose of your life will make no different with animals and plant just to live to eat to make or to produce #$%$ in the morning and night until the day that you will finally die. The missing link here is people are too lazy to "think" and that is why no matter what faith you are. Everyone of us have heard about Hell and Heaven. This life is the "ground zero" for everybody to decide what do you finally wish to choose .... to think first or just to follow without thinking like a sheep. You decide ... because human "rendezvou and journey" do not end here ... there is hell fire waiting on the other end for everybody that think this life is just a joke.
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